Sunday, August 31, 2014

Meet Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, Jessica Montoya!

Welcome back friends!

After a slightly longer than planned blog hiatus (due to the blog content writer moving cross country, starting school, being enormously pregnant and generally overloaded with life things), the USA Cheerleaders blog is now back in business! I apologize for the wait. To make up for lost time, we decided to start off with a bang, bringing you an interview with Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader (and former USA Cheerleader) Jessica Montoya!

Meet: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, Jessica!

Birth Place: Albuquerque, NM

Education:  M.A. Media and Communication Arts; Pace University in New York, NY
B.A. Musical Theatre with a Minor in Dance; Pace University in New York, NY

Current Occupation: Marketing Practice Development Coordinator at a law firm in Dallas, TX

Hobbies:  Singing, Acting, Painting & Drawing, Graphic Art Design, Face Painting

Pets:  I want a micro piglet! I am allergic to cats and dogs.

Favorite Place to Vacation:  Anywhere warm! I love Mexico, though!

Describe your personal style: I love dresses because they are the easiest to match! Although it’s so much fun dressing up, I also enjoy the every day pair of jeans and hobo chic baggy tops.

Favorite time of year/ why: Summer – I was meant to be the sun 24/7! One day, I’d like to live in Scottsdale, Arizona, where it is warm year round! I lived in New York for about 5 years and experienced some of the coldest winters, so I am ready to leave that behind.

Words to live by/favorite quote: If you are going to fail at something in life, shouldn’t it be at something you love doing?

Favorite book: The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch and Jeffrey Zaslow

If I were a song, I would be: Be Okay, by Oh Honey!

What made you decide to try out for the most recognizable NFL Cheerleading Program in the World, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders? Has this always been a dream of yours? When I was younger, I always thought I was too short, or not ‘All American’ looking enough to be on the team. But as I got older I gained more courage to audition. I knew that if I got the chance to dance in front of the judges they would see my passion and drive to entertain and uplift our fans!

Two of my friends that I cheered with on the New York Jets Flight Crew in 2009 had made the move to Dallas, and both made the team! That motivated me to fly to Dallas and finally audition.

How many cheerleading organizations were you a part of, prior to becoming a DCC? I have been a part of 6 cheerleading organizations:

NFL Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, TX
NFL NY Jets Flight Crew, NY
USA Cheerleaders, NY
NLL Lacrosse Sirens Dancers, NY
IAFL New Mexico Wildcats Cheerleaders, NM

Looking back, how do you feel that your time spent with USA Cheerleaders helped to prepare you to further your Cheerleading career? I absolutely loved being a part of the USA Cheerleaders organization. My time spent with the team and supporters of the group has given me long lasting memories that I cherish. Above anything else, it taught me how to genuinely give time to make people smile and to truly appreciate how much the military does for our nation as a whole.

As a cheerleader for any organization, people expect you to be happy, giving, and inspirational. The USA Cheerleaders helped enhance my experience in giving back to the community and being thankful for what our service men and women have sacrificed for us all.

A little really does goes a long way, and a simple smile can brighten anyone’s day.

Ken Martin, the Executive Director/Founder of USA Cheerleaders has said many times that he is very proud of watching his cheerleaders' lives become changed as a result of their work in his program. How did it make you feel to know that you were making a difference in so many heroes' lives? First of all, receiving the incredible amount of support during and after my time with the USA Cheerleaders from Ken was just amazing! He motivates us all and continues to remind us what life is really about. So to know that we made such an impact in heroes' lives, is all in debt to him.

I am the daughter of two navy veterans and I don’t think I knew the true meaning and extent of their service until I met Ken! Being able to make a difference in someone's life is priceless, and it gives me great fulfillment to know I can help!

How does it feel to be a Role Model for so many young women? My hope is that young girls all over the United States can be influenced by the work of the USA Cheerleaders and the DCC. The two organizations have similar values and promote the idea of the intelligent, driven and successful American woman.

Knowing that young women look up to me makes me feel accountable for all of my decisions. I know that as a role model I am to teach by example. I try my best everyday to live up to our standards along with being thankful for everyday.

What advice would you give to a younger you? Know that you cannot control what happens in the world around you. All you can control is yourself, so impact the world with your bright positive light! Keep going, girl, and audition every chance you get! Everything will be OK!

Let us in on a secret! Were try outs for DCC as hard as it seems on the show "CMT Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team"? The DCC audition and training camp was indeed the hardest audition process I have ever endured. I was always used to a same day or even same week auditions, but never a three month long training camp where you can get cut on any given night.

We learned about 50 sidelines and tags along with the famous kick line and split. Every night was like an audition and I felt like I was dancing for my life every time I put those white cowboy boots on (they are real Lucchese cowboy boots by the way). It was the hardest summer of my life but definitely the most rewarding. Making the team felt like winning a marathon!

I suppose there is a reason that the DCC are the best of the best. They do not settle.

What advice would you give to aspiring young women who want to try out for DCC or other professional Cheerleading teams? I would tell them to be confident in who they are. Being a DCC requires poise, intelligence, dance ability and having a great personality.

I would also begin taking technique and performance dance classes, along with strength building and stretching. Those splits will come… I promise!

How many years do you plan on being a DCC? Like we all say, I am enjoying each season as it comes and I am taking it one year at a time!

Where do you see yourself after your tenure with the DCC is complete? I’d like to move up in the corporate world and continue with my legal marketing career. I am also planning on opening a dance and fitness studio with my soon to be husband. I will also be involved in community theater with my beautiful soon to be step daughters!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Meet Cindy!

Meet USA Cheerleader, Cindy

Years on the Squad: 4 1/2 years

Experience: Division I College Cheerleading, but before that, I have cheered since I was 8 years old

Birth Place: Virginia, Grew up in PA

Where you currently live: Los Angeles, CA

Lifetime Goal: Be able to look back on my life and say that I did it all – everything I wanted to do – and be happy with that.

College: Fordham University; Gabelli School of Business, BS in Finance

Current Occupation: Corporate Investment Banking ,for one of the world’s largest banks

Hobbies :  Cooking/Baking, Working Out, Surfing

Pets:  The best decision I’ve ever made was to rescue my dog, Spartacus!

Most memorable moment as a USA Cheerleader: Going to the 9/11 Memorial with the WWP – it was the most moving experience of my entire life.  I will never forget that day.

Most memorable moment in Cheerleading in general: My first year competing at UCA College nationals in Disney, January 2009.  There’s nothing in the world like it. 

Favorite TV Show: Family Guy

Favorite Movie: Titanic

Favorite Actor: Chris Hemsworth (not because of his acting skills though, sorry!)

Favorite Book: The Great Gatsby

Favorite Band: Whoever my brother is playing for!  He’s currently the drummer for the country artist, Tyler Farr.

Favorite Song: My Heart Will Go On  - Celine Dion

Favorite Restaurant:  "Diener’s" in my hometown of Mechanicsburg, PA

Favorite Place to Vacation:  Bel Air Collection Hotel and Spa in Cancun, Mexico.  The absolute perfect escape, and not too far away.

Words to live by/favorite quote:  If you want something enough, you’ll MAKE it happen.  

Describe your personal style: NYC meets LA

Favorite time of year and why:  Summer, summer, summertime! If I could live in a bikini my whole life, I probably would.  I love to be outside, and just to know that it’s beautiful outside if I’m stuck inside. Nothing makes me happier than a beautiful day!

Random fact:  I keep portions of my life secret depending on my audience.  No one person knows everything about me, and I like that.

I've always wanted to:  Travel the world.  I’ve only ever been out of the country once.  I would love to travel the world, learn about different cultures first hand, and see all of nature’s beauty.

Reason I choose to volunteer my time to USA Cheerleaders:  I am embarrassed to admit this, but I was never a big military supporter until my oldest brother went into the Air Force to pursue his dreams of being a pilot.  Since then, my life changed. I've always believed that giving back to others is extremely important in life. Now I focus on giving back primarily through the USA Cheerleaders, as we connect with so many other organizations focused on the same goal. 

I want fans to know:  Never judge a book by its cover!  I always love the look of shock when I’m in uniform and tell someone what I actually do for a living

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Patriotic furniture make-overs

Love America enough to decorate your house in it? Here are some furniture styles that could be re-created by (almost) anyone with a paint brush and a little patience. Or at least by a crafty friend.

 And by that, I mean all of these except the America shaped table. No way. Not everyone can re-create that. But it is awesome, so I added it anyway.

Have a Happy Thursday! If you have done any great America inspired furniture re-do's- add them to the comments or to our Facebook wall!
Ombre Dresser
USA shaped coffee table
Adirondack chair

USA table
Old school desk
Antique Dresser
Waving flag dresser

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Meet Ken!


Director and Founder of USA Cheerleaders: Meet Ken!

Year the USA Cheerleaders started: The USA Cheerleaders organization "officially" started in 2003. In 1988, I was in talks with the Governor of Maryland about starting a cheerleading organization that would represent the State of Maryland. We originally were going to call the organization the USA Cheerleaders but Governor William Donald Schaefer decided to start a program about making Maryland Beautiful and he called it 'Maryland, You Are Beautiful'. The cheerleaders took that name and I put the USA Cheerleaders in the back of my brain for a later time.
Prior cheerleading experience: University of Maryland Coed Cheerleaders, Maryland Twisters Coed Open Team, Cheer Thunder Coed Open Team
Birth Place: Los Angeles, CA

College: University of Maryland, College Park

Current Occupation: Self-Employed

Greatest Accomplishment: I am lucky to say that I have had quite a few accomplishments, but one is hands down, my greatest. When my Mom was diagnosed with cancer, I was lost, scared and really wasn't sure how I would handle it. I lost my Mom in 2002 and I look back and see that taking care of her during those years made me grow as a person. Being a caregiver is not for everyone, but for me, it changed my life. I love and miss my Mom more everyday but I know she is looking down on me and is very Proud of the man that I have become.

Hobbies: Jet skiing, snorkeling, surfing, swimming, the beach

Pets: Dog- my weimaraner, "Benny".

Most memorable moment as a USA Cheerleader: Meeting former President George W. Bush and former President Bill Clinton at a 9-11 fundraiser in NYC where 3 USA Cheerleaders raised over $200,000 for Wounded Warriors.

Most memorable moment in Cheerleading,  in general: Being in Times Square with Wounded Warriors and the USA Cheerleaders on New Years Eve.

Favorite TV Show: The Amazing Race, Criminal Minds and NBC's new show- The Night Shift

Favorite Movie: Lone Survivor & The Replacements

Favorite Book: Lone Survivor, by Marcus Luttrell; In the Company of Heroes, by Michael Durant

Favorite Restaurant: Longhorn Steakhouse

Favorite Style of Music: Pop, Country

Favorite Place to Vacation: The Florida Keys

Someday I would love to visit: The Philippines, where my Mom was born and where my Grandmother is from.

Words to live by/favorite quote: Where we go one, we go all

Describe your personal style: I call it Ken Style, more beachy than anything.

Favorite time of year and why: Spring, it is amazing to see nature and wildlife start the process of change, flowers blooming, wildlife babies, weather turning warmer and days getting longer!

Random fact: I was a cast member in the Warner Brother's movie "The Replacements"

I've always wanted to: Tour with the USA Cheerleaders, entertaining our Troops and bringing a little bit of Home to them while they are deployed.

Reason I decided to start the USA Cheerleaders: At the time that I decided to start the organization, it seemed that patriotism and troop supportwas low. I saw a need, and being from a military family but not being able to serve (because of being blind in one eye), this was my way of giving back to all those who serve, have served, paid the ultimate sacrifice, and their families. I took the money ($50,000) that I was saving to buy a house, and instead used it to start the organization. Seeing the organization grow is something I am very Proud of. Watching the lives of the cheerleaders change, because of the work they do with us, is heart warming. Meeting our heroes and supporting them is something I will always cherish, and it has changed my life forever.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Come join us for a party!

 Come out to join us for: The USA CHEERLEADING Bull and Oyster Roast

Proceeds from the this event will go towards:
Prom dress postage to send donated dresses to military children
 Postage to send donations
Gift cards and other acts of kindness for needy military/ veteran families
Care package items and postage
Miscellaneous team and other non-profit expenses

For the very first time USA Cheerleaders are hosting their own fundraiser event to benefit organizational expenses. Ken, the founder of USA Cheer, and his cheerleaders shoulder their own expenses- all postage, uniforms, appearance related items, trip and hotel expenses to and from charity events, etc. 

Each member of the team volunteers their time and money as freely as possible. With the program's growth and changes this year, we would love to be able to say YES to more events and charities, and do even MORE to benefit our service members, vets, and their families!
Open bar: 
rail liqour
draft beer

Salad Bar 
Baltimore Style Pit Roasted Beef 
Italian Sausage & Peppers 
Carolina Pulled Pork BBQ
Delmarva Rotisserie Chicken 
Boston Style Baked Beans 
Southern Style Green Beans 
Cole Slaw
 Potato Salad 
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy

 live performances by the Cheerleaders
DJ and dance floor
corn hole
silent auction by Man Cave

I don't like to be bias, but Marylanders know how to party. This is going to be an awesome time!!!

Tickets are now available!
$55.00/ each, click to purchase.
The first 100 tickets sold will come with a complimentary extra entry for door prizes. 2 chances to win instead of 1!

Gather some friends and come out to join us. Tickets are available individually, and you can also reserve an entire table by purchasing 10 tickets at one time. 

**To reserve a full table, the 10 seats at that table must be purchased in one transaction
**Tickets purchased for any person under 21, must be notated under "add special instructions to seller" on paypal.

Click here: tickets to pay with paypal. Enter a $55.00 donation for each ticket you are purchasing. Tickets will be mailed to your paypal address and a receipt will come via email.


Buy tickets in person at:
Sports Alley 
7385d Baltimore Annapolis Blvd
Glen Burnie, MD 21061


Kristeena (443) 618-1746
Bobbi (443) 825-6521


If you are interested in donating a ticket to a military member, donating a door prize or a basket, please use the above contact information.

We are also accepting care package donations at the Bull Roast, including but not limited to:
- non-perishable food items 
(beef jerky, instant mac and cheese, packaged cookies and snacks, etc.)
- toiletry items
- individually packaged drink mixes 
(gatorade, iced tea, etc.)
- fresh sheets, pillowcases
check here for a post we did on care package ideas!

 This is going to be a blast!
We look forward to mingling with all of our guests. Come eat, drink, dance and benefit a great cause at the same time!