Sunday, July 27, 2014

Meet Ken!


Director and Founder of USA Cheerleaders: Meet Ken!

Year the USA Cheerleaders started: The USA Cheerleaders organization "officially" started in 2003. In 1988, I was in talks with the Governor of Maryland about starting a cheerleading organization that would represent the State of Maryland. We originally were going to call the organization the USA Cheerleaders but Governor William Donald Schaefer decided to start a program about making Maryland Beautiful and he called it 'Maryland, You Are Beautiful'. The cheerleaders took that name and I put the USA Cheerleaders in the back of my brain for a later time.
Prior cheerleading experience: University of Maryland Coed Cheerleaders, Maryland Twisters Coed Open Team, Cheer Thunder Coed Open Team
Birth Place: Los Angeles, CA

College: University of Maryland, College Park

Current Occupation: Self-Employed

Greatest Accomplishment: I am lucky to say that I have had quite a few accomplishments, but one is hands down, my greatest. When my Mom was diagnosed with cancer, I was lost, scared and really wasn't sure how I would handle it. I lost my Mom in 2002 and I look back and see that taking care of her during those years made me grow as a person. Being a caregiver is not for everyone, but for me, it changed my life. I love and miss my Mom more everyday but I know she is looking down on me and is very Proud of the man that I have become.

Hobbies: Jet skiing, snorkeling, surfing, swimming, the beach

Pets: Dog- my weimaraner, "Benny".

Most memorable moment as a USA Cheerleader: Meeting former President George W. Bush and former President Bill Clinton at a 9-11 fundraiser in NYC where 3 USA Cheerleaders raised over $200,000 for Wounded Warriors.

Most memorable moment in Cheerleading,  in general: Being in Times Square with Wounded Warriors and the USA Cheerleaders on New Years Eve.

Favorite TV Show: The Amazing Race, Criminal Minds and NBC's new show- The Night Shift

Favorite Movie: Lone Survivor & The Replacements

Favorite Book: Lone Survivor, by Marcus Luttrell; In the Company of Heroes, by Michael Durant

Favorite Restaurant: Longhorn Steakhouse

Favorite Style of Music: Pop, Country

Favorite Place to Vacation: The Florida Keys

Someday I would love to visit: The Philippines, where my Mom was born and where my Grandmother is from.

Words to live by/favorite quote: Where we go one, we go all

Describe your personal style: I call it Ken Style, more beachy than anything.

Favorite time of year and why: Spring, it is amazing to see nature and wildlife start the process of change, flowers blooming, wildlife babies, weather turning warmer and days getting longer!

Random fact: I was a cast member in the Warner Brother's movie "The Replacements"

I've always wanted to: Tour with the USA Cheerleaders, entertaining our Troops and bringing a little bit of Home to them while they are deployed.

Reason I decided to start the USA Cheerleaders: At the time that I decided to start the organization, it seemed that patriotism and troop supportwas low. I saw a need, and being from a military family but not being able to serve (because of being blind in one eye), this was my way of giving back to all those who serve, have served, paid the ultimate sacrifice, and their families. I took the money ($50,000) that I was saving to buy a house, and instead used it to start the organization. Seeing the organization grow is something I am very Proud of. Watching the lives of the cheerleaders change, because of the work they do with us, is heart warming. Meeting our heroes and supporting them is something I will always cherish, and it has changed my life forever.


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