Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A picture is worth 1000 words. Come and win one!

As a wife in a military family (Hi, I'm Charli- writer of this blog; nice to meet you!), I value pictures so much. I have lived in 3 states in the last 5 years. I have said hello and goodbye to many good people, lived in a few different houses and added to our family along the way. It is so nice to be able to look back on a season of my life and have proof that it existed, if it was only for a little while.

Turning pictures into art is even more fun, and adds a little flair to your generic picture wall decor. Anna, owner of the Etsy shop AlovesL, takes ordinary photos and turns them into whimsical pieces of art by producing custom pencil sketch/watercolor paintings.

I really feel like these portraits are something that anyone could appreciate. In fact, it might be my newest go-to gift for the people in my life that are hard to buy for (if you are reading this, surprise! you might be getting one of these for Christmas)

For people who move often like me, how cute would it be to have a gallery wall of all of the homes you have lived in?  

Who loves these as much as me?
  Well, guess what, you can win! 

Anna has been so generous to donate a $50.00 credit to her shop to winner of our giveaway this week! Check out her shop here:

The giveaway will be open for entries until Saturday morning when the winner is chosen by random number generator.

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